Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Lozenge Cat wants me to go fetch that car for him, since Lozenge Cat has no legs...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. You gotta teach LC to levitate then...You know, mind over catter.

  2. The look on that cat's face is totally saying, "You're already up. YOU go get it for me."

  3. AWWWWWWWW. ;)

    I have a black kitteh. We named him Pee Wee but a better name might of been Lew Alcindor..aka Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. ;p

  4. LL, more like, "why are you clicking that camera at me instead of petting me? Pet me, slave!".

    Remember, dogs have owners, cats have staff ;-).

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  5. In the Brave New World of bioengineered everything that's to come (next new paradigm after the Green Economy) I hope someone will create the legless cat. They will be thick and furry, tapering off toward their tails. You'll be able to wear them around your neck like warm, living scarves. And no claws to shred the furniture.

    They will not be as popular, however, as the cats that are bioengineered to stay kittens forever. How cuuuuuuuute!


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