Sunday, November 30, 2008

My new camera

Well, after some research now have found a camera to replace my dead one: the Panasonic DMC-FZ28K.

Only thing I don't like about it is that it uses a proprietary battery, meaning that my NiMH rechargeables are useless with it. Oh well. A spare battery will be all I need, and that's cheap enough...

-- Badtux the Photography Penguin


  1. Looks like a decent camera for the price. Read a few of the reviews and one says it's quite close to an SLR which is what I use, plus it has RAW which my camera doesn't.

    Good choice BadTux! ;)

  2. The proprietary battery thing is the only weakness I see in my Nikon.
    Your approach to it, however, is right on. The spare is no big deal.
    Enjoy the new toy when it gets there!


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