Sunday, November 02, 2008

This penguin wants a bigger...

...hard drive.

What, you thought I was going to say penis? Whatdya think I am, a Republican like Rush Limpdick?!

Anywho, here's the three hard drives I'm looking at for my Macbook to bring it up to an awesome 500 gigabytes -- or what I have available on my Linux server (!!!):

  • So the question is whether I go for the known reliability of the Western Digital, or for the lower price of the Samsung. Hmm...

    -- Badtux the Geeky Penguin


    1. You appear to have lots of money to piss away so why not go for the best? Either way you're going to be helping a lady in China eat and I'll all for that.

    2. Are you still running on a Mac???

    3. Ok, yea. Forget that question, what I MEANT was, aside from a bigger penis, are you running on Leopard??

    4. Yes, I'm running on Leopard on my Macbook. I have also pumped the RAM on my Macbook to 4gb. It works quite well, thank you. My Macbook is the Santa Rosa model. I'm not buying the new nVidia model because it doesn't have Firewire, which I need for video work, and it doesn't have any faster processor than my Santa Rosa model. I can survive without the faster nVidia graphics, thank you very much, but I can't survive without my Firewire...

      - Badtux the MacPenguin


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