Tuesday, November 04, 2008

No on hate. No on 8.

Reminder: If you're in California, don't stop at voting for Obama. Make sure you go down and vote no on bigotry and hate too. Vote 'No' on Proposition 8, which would take away the right of Californians to marry whatever consenting adult they wish to marry.

I drove by some Mormons who were demonstrating for Prop 8 on Saturday. You can always tell Mormons because they always have that cleancut look and are the whitest most tight-assed honkeys you ever seen. Must be that magic underwear they gotta wear as part of their faith or something. I already voted 'no' on 8, so I did the only thing that was possible and reasonable for me to do: I gave'em the uplifted middle finger. One of the teenagers grinned and let out a Confederate "Yee-haw!" yell. Guess they don't teach them Mormon kids what the uplifted middle finger means, heh!

-- Badtux the Voting Penguin


  1. I do not understand how making marriage legal between two consenting adults affects me at all. I will vote tomorrow, but I am voting NO on 2! (The number here in Floria for this same amendment).

  2. 'Merica home of the free (only some people get the freedom).

  3. Because gays marrying is SO gonna affect my marriage.

  4. LLL, exactly. If two consenting adults want to get married, why is it any of my business? They don't hurt me in any way, whether physically or financially, so what business is it of mine?

    If Mormons want to let their magic undies dictate their sexual preferences, fine and dandy. If Mormons don't like gay marriage, well, nobody is forcing them to gay marry. I just wish the Mormons would *mind their own business* rather than interfering with the marriage of two consenting adults who aren't even in the same friggin' *state* as most of the Mormons.

    - Badtux the Heretic Penguin

  5. I hate Mormons. They're freaks and have no business sitting in judgment on anyone, as far as I am concerned.

  6. I don't hate Mormons. I just wish they'd mind their own business. They have their own state, they don't need to come here and muck around with ours.

    - Badtux the California Penguin

  7. Mormon's aren't all bad, they teach their women to like sex. The downside to that is that they also teach them to like making babies.

    I don't care if gays marry, how else can they experience the frustration of divorce along with the rest of us?

    But some of them shouldn't marry, they are just whack jobs that shouldn't be in any kind of a marriage.

    When you get older it's possible that you will vote yes on Preparation H, ha ha ha.

  8. The uplifted finger thing, means you haven't anything worth saying, have no respect for other human beings and don't mind allowing the world to wallow in your gutter with you... but you knew that, the young fellow probably doesn't even think that way.

    be arm verification, be armed?

  9. Badtux, you should know better than to encourage trolls, even if you spot them demonstrating on the street.

    I was actually a little afraid that my husband (aka Best Beloved) would vote yes on Prop 8, because he's so adamant that government should get out of the business of acknowledging marriages altogether, and generating more court traffic might be the fastest way to do that. But he voted on Sunday and voted NO. His understanding of the immediate effect on gay couples outweighed his idealism.

    BB thinks, and I agree with him, that government should only acknowledge civil unions, and marriage should be a religious ceremony only. That lets the bigots keep their concept of "marriage" holy and lets the rest of us get on with more important things in life, secure in the legal protections and responsibilities we now assign to "marriage".

    But remembering that it was 19 years between the time that the first and last states approved interracial marriage, we expect that our grand-nieces and -nephews will be the first in our family to see real equality everywhere in the U.S.

  10. I want to see the Mormons in the streets pushing for an amendment that says when you get married, you're married for life. No divorce. No sex with anyone else after you get married. If you do, it's fornication, and you're buried up to your neck in a place where your church congregation gets to kill you with bricks. Or cinderblocks if you're Episcopalian.

    Let's see what fingers the Mormons get when they stand up for that proposal.

  11. i have a healthy respect, and a deep gratitude to the LDS church.

    they saved our apache nation from starving to death (also the hopi and navajo) in 1958 and they provided me with a chance to go to a high school that had accredited teachers and real textbooks.

    still, i have been fighting them on this issue.

  12. Those with religion have a god-given duty to judge others.

    They are misguided and brainwashed, don't you judge them to harshly, they have to make noise from the inside of their cage.

    I'd give No. 8 the fickle finger salute, also, but not the poor people who have failed the humanity test.

    My verification word is unizerge. Is that anything like bizerge or multizerge.

  13. Nick, we all judge others, god given or not. We're just all a bunch of judgmental fuckers.

    But some of us are more honest about it than others.


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