Saturday, November 08, 2008

A problem

The Mighty Fang is sitting on my lap purring.

I need to run some errands -- get a haircut, get a new photo made for a membership card, go get some spacers for fixing the tire mount on my Jeep, other things of that sort.

What to do, what to do... how can I disturb this soft furry sweetness purring on my lap? but I have things to do! Agh!

-- Badtux the Conflicted Penguin

Postscript: Mencken decided TMF was having too much fun, and came over and ran him off my lap. TMF outweighs Mencken by six pounds, but Mencken has the edge when it comes to meanness big time... Oh well, at least I can go run my errands now!


  1. Kitties can be such crafty little buggers. Always in need of chin rubs, utter worship and complete devotion by their lowly servants.

    I have a silly question. Do your kitties ever do the 'slow motion walk' when they're around each other? One of mine does and it makes me laugh every time.

  2. I've cut my own hair for years. Just a few snips here and there everyday and it always looks the same.

    I don't have the time and desire to go to a barber, or listen to his babble.

  3. All hail to The Mighty Fang!

    Do you find yourself saying out loud comments like, "Cat, I can't sit here all day making a lap for you, I have stuff to do!"

    My husband and I both do this. If the owner of the lap in question is within the other's hearing, the other spouse seems compelled to point out "You're trying to reason with a cat."

    Just one of the little rituals of our household.


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