Thursday, November 13, 2008

I guess that makes it official

Tighty righty wingnuts really are batshit crazy. Now they're trying to say that Obama's Selective Service registration is fake, just as they've been trying to say that Obama's birth certificate is a fake. Bizarre conspiracy theories seem to be all they got nowdays... that, and copulating like rabbits at an early age while condemning "liberals" as immoral, anyhow.

-- Badtux the Conspiracy Penguin


  1. This is the same thing they did to Clinton. They weren't able to beat him in the voting booth so they just kept digging until they finally found something... five years later.

  2. Tighty righty wingnuts really are batshit crazy.

    And you just figured that out?

    Do you even have a job or anything else to do besides new posts? So many that others can't keep up with them.

    You are not going to make a difference, fifty readers is just a speck of cosmic dust, you may as well go camping.

    Or getting ready for hard times like I have, whatever.

  3. You just now noticed they are crazy?

  4. Badtux,

    You make a difference to me.



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