Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This cat needs to take the advice...

on the box he's trying to go through:

He's too fat!

-- Badtux the Rotund Penguin


  1. omg...too funny!

    Once, one of my felines got a grocery sack, the plastic variety around his neck and ran through the house trailing the cat food cans and the rest of the things inside the bag, from one end of the house to the other.

    It was funny and yet sad..dumb bastard.

  2. That fat cat needs to go jogging.

  3. Dusty, Mencken is not only suspicious of everything and everyone, but he also keeps snagging his claws in things because he's too dumb to master that whole "push and retract" thingy. So anyhow, when he first came home with me from the animal shelter, after he got used to me (he spent the first week under my bed except for brief excursions to the cat box and food and water dishes!) he decided he liked to sleep on my pillow. Whether I'm using it or not. So I'd wake up at night with a feeling of weight on my head, and reach up and... well. There's a cat up there on top of the pillow that's on top of my head to shut out the lights and the airport noises (I live under an airport runway).

    Until one day, I was petting him and he was purring, and then he decided to get up. But he'd been working his paws the way cats do when they're contented. And he'd gotten his claw snagged in the pillowcase. Meaning the pillow was chasing him as he was trying desperately to get away from it, until he fell off the bed backwards and the pillow fell on top of him and he took off like, well, a scalded cat, managing to yank loose from the pillow at the same time.

    Ever since then he has looked upon pillows with suspicion as possible enemy objects, and hasn't slept on top of my head since. Which saves me from waking up with headaches, but still, it was kinda cool to wake up with a cat on my head. Made me feel kinda like Donald Trump, except I think that's a rat, not a cat, on his head ;-).

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  4. BadTux, did you get him as an adult cat?

    The feral kittens I rescue are so much easier to deal with than adults that wander into our yard.

    We love and care for them all, but jeesh, some of them just aren't playing with a full deck sometimes.

    I really loved this video, he looks like a fun-loving doofus. ;)

  5. Yes, I got Mencken as an adult cat. He is a very loving kitty, he loves sitting on my lap and being petted and he loves having his tummy rubbed, he's just skittish around new people and new things.

    As for the cat in the video, click on some of the other videos posted by that dude. I spent half the afternoon doing so. Yes, I spent half my afternoon watching cat videos! That cat definitely *is* a fun-loving doofus. As one of the commenters said, "boy, he sure is lucky to have you." As in, he's such a doofus kitty that there's no way he could survive outside in the wild. But lovable.

    - Badtux the Cat-loving Penguin

  6. ole:

    He is not fat, he is big-boned (and totally awesome).

  7. Anonymous, that cat ain't big-boned. He's *fat*. Just look at how his tummy bellows out to the side when he splays his feet to the sides. That's blubber, dude!

  8. But yeah, he *is* totally awesome. Just a big fat lovable dork ;-).

  9. badtux,

    any idea what breed he is? My super-kitty passed away over a year ago... Non-one can replace him, but still...

  10. He appears to be a "cull" Scottish Fold, according to commenters on various posts. A "cull" because his ears are mostly straight rather than folded, meaning he isn't breeder or show quality.

    No guarantees, but the Scottish Fold breed is known for its placid disposition and rotund build, and that certainly describes Maru the Cat!

  11. At least it looks like someone's trying to encourage him to exercise - sort of.


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