Monday, November 17, 2008

Brotherly love

Or at least it'd be brotherly love if Mencken and The Mighty Fang were actually brothers, which they aren't. And if Mencken cared whether TMF liked him or not. Which he doesn't. But Mencken doesn't seem to mind TMF deciding to snuggle up against him from time to time. Or maybe it's just that it'd take too much energy to run TMF off...

-- Badtux the Cat-blogging Penguin


  1. My country pussies can whip your city pussies asses. Ha ha ha.

  2. But I bet mine can out-sleep yours! They seem to sleep 23 hours a day. The other 1 hour a day, they're eating, drinking, or pooping.

    - Badtux the Sleepy-cat-owned Penguin

  3. Mine disdain pooping inside for some reason so they go outside. I'm not going to complain, it really saves on cat litter.

    They only come inside to sleep, and mostly just in the winter when it is colder.

  4. Of course your cats are brothers; they're each other's wicked step-brothers.


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