Sunday, November 16, 2008

Uhm... excuse me?

From rational conservative John Cole at Balloon Juice, we learn that the American Family Association, the same "Christian" folks who attack President-elect Obama for, uhm, being President-elect Obama, come out with a new Christmas gift for their members. I'll give you three guesses as to what it is:

  1. A Nativity scene with a glowing star? Uhm, nope.
  2. A plaque with the birth scene from Matthew? Uhm, nope.
  3. A burning cross for your lawn? Uhm... you're darn tootin'!
You would think that someone at the AFA would look at the picture of the cross on their web site and say, "uhm, y'know, this just isn't appropriate right after a black President was elected." They might even figure out why (gasp) black people aren't buying this new gift. But then, that would require someone with brains to be working at the AFA, and brains kinda automatically disqualify you from being a batshit crazy "Christian" who thinks the Earth is 6,000 years old and shit like that...

Sigh. Sanity. It'd be nice, y'know?

-- Badtux the Sanity-challenged Penguin


  1. Huh, this is quite a nice blog, but could you be anymore anti-christian, in all honesty? Look, I don't have anything against... penguins, but really, we're not all backwater idiots. At least, I like to think we all aren't. That cross probably doesn't do much for my argument though... That one's a bit obvious, me thinks.

  2. If you're a "Christian" -- i.e., one of those who advocate hate and intolerance -- you're damned right I'm against you. But for those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, especially the Beatitudes and the Golden Rule, I have nothing but respect. Too bad most "Christians" today are not followers of Jesus Christ but, rather, followers of hate-mongers and small-minded demagogues.

    The "American Family Association" is a hate group, period. Their whole point in being is to preach hate against liberals, against gays, against those of other faiths, against anybody who they dislike. They are "Christians", not followers of Jesus Christ. This flaming cross thingy just makes it obvious.

    - Badtux the un-"Christian" Penguin

  3. Your right, most people today use the faith and hide behind it, which just ends up giving those who are really trying to follow the right path a bad name and a load of crap to deal with. aka, the cross and the hate that's bound to come from that. The good people are going to be the only ones REALLY dealing with the backlash.
    You know the KKK is sitting back having a good laugh right now.

  4. There is no one more anti christian than me. Or anti muslim, or anti jew. The planet would be better off without all that nonsense.

  5. otoh, it could just be a poorly-conceived rendition of this idea.

  6. Hah -- Actual substantive blogging! You should have known you couldn't go a fortnight without having something you wanted to squawk about...


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