Thursday, January 01, 2009


Well, my new (refurbished) iPhone has been placed on the big brown UPS plane bound for here, and should arrive here early next week. So I will be saying goodby Splint, hello Death Star. So the next question is going to be: What accessories should I get for it first? I intend to use it as a combination iPod/phone, so I suppose I need a case to keep it from getting all scratched up as it lives in my pocket, and one of those little charger/transmitter thingies for the car so that on long trips I can listen to my Tunez (alas, my Jeep's stereo has no port for an external mp3 player)...

- Badtux the Geek Penguin


  1. And this is 'hard " to replace with an upgrade ?

  2. Get yourself set up with several playlists in iTunes to load up right after the iPhones arrival, so you wont waste quality time afterward.

    Word Verification: "Unoutpus"
    Defined: The cat still in the house.

  3. The screen cover to keep it from getting scratched, they really do work. A nice case, you will probably like one of the leather ones that clips on to your belt and a better set of headphones. Ones you can wear for hours as you enjoy your music. I like in ear buds made of silicone, but everyone is different.

    All of the car transmitters transmit static along with the music so I would recommend the one from Costco which will take up the least amount of space. Avoid the stands in the mall like the plague, they jack up the prices so much it should be criminal.

    Then there are the apps, I like recipe and food shopping ones with a few games to amuse myself.


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