Thursday, January 01, 2009

Glad that's over!

Goodbye to 2008. Good riddance.

-- Badtux the Hung-over Penguin


  1. A Happy New Year to you ;
    Mr. Penguin , and all your fuzzy buddies too .
    You know , I'd heard that any mention of Israel in a blog would bring an landslide of comments , I had no idea !

  2. Good-bye to 2008

    Damn fuckin' right.

  3. I won't even be looking back.

    Happy 2009.


  4. yep, good riddance.

    Hopefully the end of the long national nightmare.

  5. Oh hate went went out with a whimper, and now we anticipate the uprooting of the Shrubbery and the entire Hedgemony.


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WARNING: You are entitled to create your own arguments, but you are NOT entitled to create your own facts. If you spew scientific denialism, or insist that the sky is purple, or otherwise insist that your made-up universe of pink unicorns and cotton candy trees is "real", well -- expect the banhammer.

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