Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Today's gun safety tips

  1. Before holstering your pistol, remove your finger from the trigger guard area and lay it flat alongside the gun.
  2. If your pistol has a safety, place the safety into the "safe" position before holstering it.
  3. Under no circumstance should you shoot one of your balls off by stuffing the gun into your waistband without taking your finger out of the trigger guard area first. That is bad form, bad form.
Now, Derrick Kosch, the armed robber stupid enough to shoot himself in the balls in the course of a robbery, probably isn't a great loss to the gene pool. The problem is that lots of other folks maybe are.

Now, I own guns, and I'm not interested at all in banning guns. But you gotta have a license to drive a car. That makes sense, a car is a deadly weapon. Now, having a driver's license don't mean you know how to drive (as a quick jaunt down any city street will show!), but it does mean that you have at least some basic idea of what a "turn signal" is, what a "stop sign" means. But apparently folks buying handguns just gotta show they got a pulse.

Way I see it, we need some gun safety instruction as mandatory for buying and/or owning a gun of any type. Just ask Derrick Kosch, he just walked into a gun store and bought a handgun, and now he's a ball-less wonder, sorta like a Democratic congressman now that I think about it. Hmm. Anyhow, in Louisiana if you want a hunting license and you're under age 18, you have to pass a hunter safety course. This isn't a big deal. It's a "shall issue", not "may issue" thing -- if you pass the course, you get the license. Way I figure, this sorta thing ought to be standard everywhere whenever we're talking about guns of any type. Maybe then folks will quit firing guns over roads or towards houses or otherwise shooting in unsafe manner, and maybe the number of ball-less wonders will be reduced. Hey, we may even get some Democratic congressmen with balls elected if they're not all busy shooting their balls off by stuffing handguns into their waistbands the wrong way!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Gun control is using both hands. And I'm a crack shot. I've taken down deer at over a hundred yards with a 22 rifle.

    But I never did hunt much, and haven't for years. Just keep a gun around for protection and just in case things go to hell and I need to hunt a little game to get by.

    Are Penguins edible? Not that it matters, there isn't any around here. Just sea rats, I mean seagulls.


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