Monday, January 14, 2008

Soylent Green is not people

Look, I know a lot of you silly lie-brals are upset about that thare Gah... err.. Gitmo place, but looky here. It ain't right to accuse our fine men and women of our military of torturing people there. Because they aren't. I mean, they're darkies, not people. So at most you could charge our fellers and wimmins down there with animal abuse, which is bad, I suppose, but not the same thing as torture, nosiree!

Don't believe me? Well, just ask the D.C. Court of Appeals. They'll tell ya right out that Gitmo prisoners aren't people.

Now, folks in Washington are talking about what to do with the prisoners in Gitmo if the place gets closed. Now, as a modest penguin, I have a suggestion. See, I was watching this bad sci-fi movie on late night television a few nights ago, and it had a sorta shocking end to it. But really, those folks just weren't thinkin' right! See, everbody in that movie was a fine upstanding white feller just like you'n'me. So where did all the darkies go?

So see, there's the solution right there! We got darkies in Gitmo who need to, err, go home. We got hungry fellers and gals right here in the United States. Are you gettin' the picture? Thanks to the D.C. Court of Appeals, we can truly tell our hungry Americans that Soylent Green is not people!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Soylent Green is a bad movie?

    Bad, bad penguin.


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