Friday, January 11, 2008

Six pack abs

Penguins are not exactly known for six pack abs. Not that you could tell under the feathers anyhow, but penguins tend to be... rotund.

That is why I was quite excited to discover someone who has a new way of getting six pack abs. And here is the result: Notice that this hairless monkey's pleasing rotundity did not stop him from achieving that much desired sexually attractive six pack abs, which I understand the female of the hairless monkey species really digs (at least, if I'm reading the Craigslist personals correctly). That gives this penguin some hope for the future. Well, if female penguins like six-pack abs, anyhow, but really, what female of any species can resist beer? Which obviously is the whole point of six-pack abs, right? Beer? And if I can find any female penguins around, given a general shortage of penguins in the northern hemisphere. Hmm...

-- Badtux the Rotund Penguin


  1. I would suggest cans instead of bottles.

  2. Oh, man. So much for lunch today.


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