Sunday, January 20, 2008

Nevada caucuses

A Republican who is an evil incompetent Bush-ass-lickin' toady won the Republican caucus, and a Democrat who is an evil competent corporate-ass-lickin' toady won the Democratic caucus. Duh.

The only real news from the caucus is that the propaganda campaign to "disappear" John Edwards appears to have worked. Edwards came in second in Iowa, but you never heard his name in any results from Iowa. He was less than 1% from second in New Hampshire, but again you never heard his name in any results from New Hampshire. It appears that the corporate media has successfully made him an UnPerson, because he got a much smaller proportion of the vote in Nevada.

None of which is going to persuade me to vote for Obanana or Hillarious in the California primary. I will vote for whatever Democrat is running against the evil incompetent Bush-ass-lickin' toady in November because 8 years of that shit is 8 years too many, but you betcha my nose is gonna have a clothespin over it because of the stench of corporate toady wafting about. It'll be nice to have competent evil in charge rather than incompetent evil (shit, even Richard Nixon would be a step up from the current clown parade), but "nice" in sorta the same way as a choice of being anally raped by an 5 foot pole or by a normal 5 inch penis. Either way you're raped, just one you might actually survive, and the other, probably not if you let it go on long enough for the pole to go more than a little of the way in.

- Badtux the Evil Expert Penguin


  1. You pay way to much attention to the political monkeys, they love their political games. They love screwing with you.

    Penguin's and monkeys do have one thing in common. We are very fond of bitching.

  2. Indeed, the only difference between the candidates is in how badly they want to anally rape us all and with what length tool they wish to anally rape us. Any candidate who does not wish to anally rape us is marginalized as "crazy" and then "disappeared" by the media and political establishment, because of course everybody knows that monkeys must anally rape other monkeys or, well, it just ain't right, okay?

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. yeech, I'll take the 5in penis plz.


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