Monday, January 21, 2008

Terrorists deploy bomb in ocean near San Diego

The U.S. Navy is warning the inhabitants of San Diego to watch their beaches for a terrorist bomb that could, like, blow up and KILL US ALL!

Uhm, okay, so I lied. Yeah, they're warning the inhabitants of San Diego to watch out for a bomb on their beaches. But... the bomb was lost by the U.S. Navy, rather than deliberately placed by terrorists. So they're asking the residents to do the sane thing if the bomb washes up on their beach, the same thing they'd be doing if it really *was* a terrorist that had dropped the bomb off a boat -- they're asking folks to call the proper authorities if they see the bomb. Duh.

Not that this would have stopped the shrieking harridans of the right from running around in circles ripping out their hair while howling about terrorists if it really *had* been terrorists who let loose the bomb... but hey, expecting sanity and logic from the shrieking harridans of the right is like expecting intelligent analysis of the situation in Iraq from George W. Bush. Yeah, right.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. lol. linking immediately.

  2. It's all a plot by Satan and the feminists to continue their plans to take over America.

  3. When did this become such a nation of pussies, particularly the GOP?


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