Thursday, December 06, 2007

Multiple IP addresses in Windows XP

I need to assign multiple IP addresses to an Ethernet interface in Windows XP. The problem is that it appears that I must set *both* IP addresses to "static" in order to do this. On Linux or MacOS it's okay to have one IP address be DHCP-assigned and the other statically assigned, which lets you setup a private network on one set of IP addresses (like and let your main interface "float" according to which public network you're on (192.168.x.y at home, 10.x.y.z at work), but if I select "DHCP" for the IP address on the Windows XP interface setup dialog, it then greys out the dialog that lets me add additional IP addresses.

Anybody know if I'm asking something that's even possible for Windows XP? I really need this so that my laptop can travel easily between home and work and I can access resources on the laptop without worry about which network I happen to be on and what DHCP address got assigned to the laptop. It works fine if I'm booted in MacOS, but when I'm booted in Windows XP, well... :-(.

-- Badtux the Geeky Penguin


  1. I'm thinking that you have to establish two connections and define them separately.

    I haven't done it in a while, but I'm pretty sure that's how I was doing it the last time I worked from a client's office.

    This may help.

    You not supposed to think outside of Bill's box.

  2. Ah yes, Chairman Bill's box.

    Y'know, Steve Jobs is just as much a control freak as Chairman Bill. Maybe even moreso -- in the Mac GUI, there's basically one way to do anything, Steve's way. He's the friggin' micromanager from hell, nothing in their core product line goes out the door without his bootprints all over it from a look-and-feel perspective, which is why Apple's product line is so limited. But MacOS doesn't have this problem. Of course, MacOS has the advantage of being built on BSD bones, but sheesh.

  3. Hi tux,

    Here's a site I used a few years ago to config a notebook for Home/Office. May help. :)

    Connecting Windows XP to Multiple Networks: Office and Home

    It will also depend on whether you use XP Home, or XP Professional. They handle networking differently.

    I was an Apple Cirtified Desktop/Notebook/Helpdesk Technician until a couple years ago when I got fed up with spending more time fighting Apple to get parts & help their customers then I did dealing with customers. One of my best customers suggested a new T-shirt: black with white lettering, on the front: "Love Mac's!" On the back: "Hate Apple!"

    LOL Damn! I wish I'd had one made! :D

    I guess for M$ it would be: "Tollerate Windoze", "Hate MicroShaft!"

    Good luck with the network. I have other resources if that doesn't help. :)


  4. Go to your network connections. Select the network connection you want to add the additional address to and right click on it, select properties. Select Internet protocol TCP/IP and click on the properties button. Select the alternate configuration tab and put in your IP, netmask etc. and click okay. This should work, but you can only add one additional address to the NIC because Microsoft doesn't understand TCP/IP yet.

  5. Hi there bryan i had a similar problem not long ago and i found your post while looking for the sollution i knew i had seen before. And after quite some searching i found the same guid (i think) i used a few years ago:
    It works and it works good.


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