Monday, December 03, 2007

Chavez accepts defeat at polls

So long for those "dictator" comments. Chavez defeated in Venezuelan elections, accepts outcome of election.

Now can we put that "dictator" nonsense to rest? Chavez may be a goon, but he's an *elected* goon, just like George W. Bush. And in a few years, he's going to be a *formerly* elected private citizen, just like George W. Bush. Neither man is a "dictator" and claiming he is, is just plain silliness.

-- Badtux the Observant Penguin


  1. Evil Spock will usher in a new dictatorship in 2012. Penguins are welcome.

  2. I agree. Chavez took his case to the people, lost, and accepted his loss. It's not like he used signing statements to say the properly passed laws of the land didn't apply to him. Now THAT would be the mark of a dictator.

  3. don't forget that chavez has this term to finish. he has until 2012 to fine tune his proposal, which by the way, was not a setup of a strong man state (although the presidential powers were increased, at least chavez had the democratic chops to ask, not simply grab) but the removal of term limits. something more than a couple mexican presidents have asked for. (in mexico el presidente is one term and out so he is sworn in as a lame duck) these proposals and initiatives will be back. bet on it. although even some of the more hardline folks i know (none of them in the oil bidness but i do know some major league farmers and shit) have had to admit that their dire predictions about a chavez presidency and the resulting effect on the venezualen economy have not been realized. another scenario which is feasible to see play out is that a new american administration sends diplomats that actually talk to folks rather than read off an index card list of demands.


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