Monday, November 27, 2006

So what happened while I was away?


New York city cops blow away unarmed dude by putting a couple dozen bullets into him.

Iraq is a mess.

Penguin movie is a big hit.

Dear Leader sez that, despite all evidence to contrary, Iraq is just peachy keen and is not, not I say, in the midst of a bloody civil war.

Hmm, I go on vacation and the same old same old happens. I should have just queued up a half dozen "news" articles and posted them while I was gone, nobody would have ever noticed I was gone. I could have reused some of my headlines from anytime in the past two years... doesn't anybody learn? Anybody? Hello? Hellooooo?!

-- Badtux the Dejavu Penguin


  1. Welcome back from the migration. I was keeping up with all your adventures, sounds like loads of fun. A Penguin in Death Valley, sounds like a murder mystery. Just why did you have to visit that remote valley? The sand doesn't leave tracks, does it, hhhmmmmm.

    Everytime I get away from the humans, they are always the same when I return, also. Same shit, different day.

  2. Yup, some things never change. And I'm not sure our blogs are going to help them change. Other than they keep us home and out of the way of the idiots.

    It looks like you had an interesting trip with some struggles, that makes it even better, the memories and stories. Hugs.

  3. learn??? you got to be kidding - this is the man who's daddy paid for his college education - lock-stock and barrel -- meaning he only had to pretend to go to school in order to get a degree...

    welcome that movie!! grin


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