Thursday, April 27, 2006

Money is more important than human lives

From my novel:

The headquarters of Sybil Software was a temple to money. People worshiped there, worshiped the almighty dollar and the power that it gave them, worshiped those above them in the corporate hierarchy who had more money and power than they. It was a cult, a cult based on money, a cult based on insanity, on giving up anything and everything that ever mattered in pursuit of pieces of toilet paper with pictures of dead presidents on them.

There was no joy, no feeling, no beauty in this sterile cube of glass and steel. People no longer came to work for Sybil in order to change the world. They came to work for Sybil because they wanted to work for a successful company. They came to work for Sybil because they were worshipers, and success defined as pictures of dead presidents was what they worshiped.

To the members of this cult -- which includes everybody defined as "successful" in this sick society we live in -- people are not important. Pieces of toilet paper with pictures of dead presidents are what's important. Thus Governor Bush of Texas, on behalf of large insurance companies and hospitals, signed into law a bill allowing hospitals to unilaterally take people off of life support whenever they felt like it if the hospital deemed the treatment too expensive. As a result, St. Luke's Medical Center in Texas unilaterally decided to kill a patient who was costing them too much money. And Texas law allows them to do that.

Because, you see, in these United States, there is only one God, and his name is Dollar. Remember that, everyt ime you hear Preznit Born-with-silver-foot-in-mouth mention the word God. He isn't talking about any God that you or I might recognize from the Bible. He's talking about the only God he and his entire retinue of hangers-on and flunkies worship: The almighty Dollar.

So: I wonder how long it will be before other "too expensive to live" people are quietly put down? for example, all those pesky dusky-skinned poor people? After all, money is more important than human lives here in the United States of Mammon...

- Badtux the Mammon-callin' Penguin

1 comment:

  1. How Ironic that they are doing everything in their power to accumulate alot more of those dollars into their own accounts, and those of their friends, yet the very things they are doing are devaluing the very dollars they are hoarding.

    (I say hoarding, because who could SPEND that many dollars in a lifetime, anyway?)


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