Friday, April 14, 2006

I want one

Honda Fit. All the safety features. 33mpg city. Honda quality. Sure the bleep beats the 15mpg my current Chevy S-10 gets...

- Badtux the Gas-hog-drivin' Penguin


  1. Show me one after it's run over by a truck and I might consider it.

  2. Show me my Chevrolet S-10 after it's run over a truck, and it won't look any better. Like most trucks and SUV's and unlike all modern automobiles, my S-10 does not in any way meet modern safety standards. In particular, in a typical accident a truck or SUV will roll. They are *NOT* required to have any sort of rollover bars or anything in their roofs. So the driver and passengers end up being midgets.

    This little Honda looks like the Mini Cooper engine-wise, will handle quite well too (albeit maybe not go-cart-like like the Cooper, but the Cooper rides pretty rough to get you that), and gets much better gas mileage. The passenger cage is so stiff that it'll just bounce off that truck you mention. And it's got that Honda quality without that BMW price (the Mini is *expensive*!). As a city car, sounds great to me.

    Not that I'm buying one anytime soon. Not unless the price of gas goes *way* up. My S-10 is paid for, after all!

    - Badtux the Automotive Penguin

  3. We have had these over here for a couple of years now. They get good marks from everyone. Highly popular with teenagers and twenty-somethings and especially girls. My daughters (18 & 17), knowers of all things cool, want one. One each, of course LOL. Go figure.

    But the name is cooler here: Honda Jazz. What's up with the American name? Fit? Stupid.

  4. I suspect the name "Jazz" was already owned by someone else. Or else it's simply that the word "jazz" in America doesn't mean the same thing that it means in the rest of the world. In the rest of the world, jazz is that cool music that America invented. In America, jazz is some weird and stuffy old music played by a few dying old black men in New Orleans. The word 'jazz' just doesn't have the cultural connotations of cool improvisation in the country that invented it that it has elsewhere.

    Sort of how the Subaru Legacy is sold as the Subaru Liberty in Australia, because the word "legacy" in Australia has completely difficult (and uncool) connotations compared to the rest of the world...

    - Badtux the Music Penguin

  5. It's a nice looking car, and the brand new price tag isn't bad!


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