Sunday, May 08, 2005

WTF is with this "runaway bride"?

I don't get it. When did we turn into a nation of insufferable busy-bodies who must know every little detail of the private lives of other Americans?

The late Ann Landers had a saying she'd trot out from time to time: "MYOB". I.e., if nobody was getting hurt, keep your mouth shut. Miss Manners, too, will trot that one out from time to time when asked, "What should I say about X?" e.g. "What should I say if my hostess is drunk and making an idiot out of herself?" It is neither polite to mind other people's business, nor moral. Interfering with other people's lives is a violation of their right to live their life the way they wish.

But then, that's a good Libertarian talking, and I realize that we now live in HOA Hell, where the Garbage Can Police fine you if you don't put your garbage can in the right place and the Motorcycle Police fine you if you don't park your motorcycle in your garage and etc., but the United States once wasn't like that, and I wonder when it changed? Remember, FDR was paralyzed from the waist down, but it wasn't relevant to his performance as President so it was MYOB. JFK was a womanizer, but it wasn't relevant to his performance as President so it was MYOB. How did we go from that, to a President being impeached for a blowjob? How did we go from that, to wanting to know every little detail about some stranger's wedding jitters? It's just absolutely astounding, how America the Free has turned into America the Land of Busybodies... and it took less than forty years to do so.

- Badtux the MYOB Penguin

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