Tuesday, August 21, 2007

White House moves to limit health coverage for children

The headline says it all. Republicans don't want health care for children. Because of course the children must be punished for the sins(?) of their parents. It's in the Bible in the Beatitudes, I'm sure, right there between "blessed are the merciful" and "blessed are the peacemakers"... "blessed are the poor, for theirs is a nightmare on earth." Yessir, that's it, at least in the Republican Bible, why, everybody knows that Republican Jesus loves the little children...

What next, the Bush Administration is going to go out and gut health care for veterans, or health care for active duty military, or ... oh yeah that's right they already done that. I guess widows and orphans will be their next targets. Drat those orphans, they ought to have just gotten good-paying jobs with the Bush Administration or with a right-wing thinktank (Wingnut welfare) rather than bother us with their care!

Badtux the "Can these people get any more evil?" Penguin


  1. these people know know boundaries. sick.

  2. Republican Jesus doesn't love the children half as much as Supply Side Jesus does.


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