Monday, August 27, 2007

The Gay Agenda gets another Republican!

Yessiree, Mustang Bobby tells us that the GOP tea-room gets another member. Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) was apparently arrested for soliciting sex in a public restroom, pled guilty, and paid a fine. Balloon Juice comments, Why is everyone soliciting sex in bathrooms, for chrissakes? Is there some underground bathroom/gay sex culture out there? Sorry, John, I don't know the answer to that question. Maybe Mustang Bobby will answer it for us. On the other hand, maybe not. Maybe it's all the fault of that dastardly villain The Gay Agenda, who for some reason has been shooting Republican anti-gay activists with his Gay Ray of Gayness. But never fear, I'm sure that Senator Craig will shortly check into Jesus Camp and be cured of his gay-ness thanks to the intercession of the Lord. Hey, it worked for Rev. Ted Haggard, right?!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Rev. Ted and the missus are asking their supporters to support them financially until they can make a living on their own. Praise Jesus! He can still feed off his flock!


  2. it's the whole haffta do it out in public and get caught danger that gives these people their adrenaline rush...

  3. As I tell people... it has nothing to do with these GOP (Grand Old Perverts) being gay. They are just totally amoral. They will do whatever they want to get their kicks. Have sex with anyone or anything... rape kids... destroy people... whatever.

    And by the way Badtux... that was damned funny! LOL And I really needed a laugh! Thanks. (I love your blog.)

    Hiya Mixter hon! Good to see you here. :)

  4. Do these guys think if they cloak themselves in republicanism and family values, they won't get caught?

  5. Have these people ever heard of AIDS?

    This is so stupid on so many levels that it boggles the mind.

    When you add in that he didn't get a local lawyer to deal with it. I feel certain the Repubs have a squad of people to bury cases like this, but Craig acted as his own attorney after identifying himself as a US Senator.

    The arrogance is overwhelming.

  6. Makes me scared to go into public restrooms, what if I give the wrong signals by mistake.

    I like to tap my feet and whistle. HHMM. I think I'll just hold it form now on. Maybe I can sweat it out..........


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