Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Feel the Surge!

Oooh, feel the surge. So powerful. So manly. All the surge reports are positive. I know this is true because Faux News and Fred Thompson (R-goddamn fuckin' crazy) tell me so, and they wouldn't lie, would they?

After all, if the media doesn't report it, bad stuff isn't really happening, right? I mean, c'mon. It's not as if car bombs going off and killing hundreds of people doesn't happen in every major city of the USA every day the way it happens in every major city of Iraq. And every American city gets mortared with explosive shells every day. I mean, just open your local newspaper and read about the car bomb that went off in Houston today. Or the explosive mortar shells that fell in Times Square in New York City yesterday. Or....

Oh yeah, that's right. There wasn't a car bomb in those cities. Or, indeed, in any American city since 1995 when the one and only car bomb/truck bomb in U.S. history went off in Oklahoma City. And the last time anybody fired any artillery shells at an American city was that time that a Japanese submarine surfaced off the shore of San Francisco Bay in 1941 and lobbed a few shells in the general direction of the mainland. Hmm...

-- Badtux the Surging Penguin
No, not surging THAT way, penguins don't have a, err, surging tool.

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