Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzo Gone

Why does this feel almost anti-climactic?

Good riddance to a man who made John Friggin' ASHCROFT look like a super competent Attorney General. At least Ashcroft wouldn't sign off on illegal wiretapping and otherwise had at least some respect for rule of law despite his awkward habit of holding prayer meetings in the Justice Department conference rooms. Gonzo, on the other hand, had only one legal philosophy in his quiver: "If the President does it, it's not illegal." Y'know, I wasn't a big fan of John Ashcroft, so when I say that Alberto Gonzales makes Ashcroft look good... that makes Gonzo really, really awful.

Oh, about the timing: Expect Dear Leader to make a recess appointment of another Bushevik ideologue shortly. That's why Gonzo resigned while Congress was out of session. I'm surprised the announcement hasn't already been made. It's not as if Dear Leader is fearing being un-electorated, after all. He done got electorated. What's Congress gonna do to him, pelt him with bad words? As Momma used to say, "Sticks and stones break bones but words will never hurt you." Yeah, like Dear Leader is real scared of Congress... as long as there's not 66 votes for impeachment in the Senate, he's just gonna smirk 'till he leaves office. (And unlike some, I believe he WILL leave office -- Dear Leader is just the "face man" for the con, and has outworn his value to the con, it's time for a new "face").

-- Badtux the Politics Penguin


  1. Its weird that I look to Ashcroft and his crooning with some sort of misty rose-tinted glasses. I really had high hopes for Gonzales when he took over.

    Little bit over a year for this nonsense to be over . . .

  2. the main concept that gonzales never grasped is that, as attorney general, he was supposed to be the people's attorney, the constitution's attorney, not george w.'s. he was always trying to wrap up a package (no matter how high it smelled) that could cast the adminstration's deeds and schemes in a raft of legalese mumbo jumbo. plus, you have to really wonder about what kind of motherfucker it would take to make john ashcroft become the voice of reason in the room. . .(dude,my cryptothingie is "dagnbbut" where' yosemite sam when you need him?)

  3. now let's send him on vacation...


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