Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Iranian Coup day!

On August 19, 1953, the U.S. and British intelligence services bankrolled a coup that removed the democratically-elected President of Iran and replaced him with a totalitarian monarch. Over the next few decades, until January 1979, the Shah ruled Iran with an iron fist, regularly calling out the army to shoot demonstrators dead in the streets and running a brutal police state (the secret police, SAVAK, were notorious for their brutality) until finally mixed messages during the Carter Administration (which alternately condemned him for human rights abuses, then condemned him for not having his soldiers open fire upon student demonstrators) ended up with his confused army refusing to enforce his rule any longer and the Shah being forced to flee.

Folks wonder why the Iranian government distrusts us and rants about how the U.S. is the "Great Satan". Given that the blood of thousands of Iranians are on U.S. hands, thanks to a state of war funded by the U.S. people upon the Iranian people (via our puppet the Shah) for over 25 years, is it any wonder that they think the U.S. is evil?

Oops, gotta go, got a wingnut at the door calling me a self-hating American. Remember, facts are hate, in Orwell's America. Happy 1984!

-- Badtux the Patriotic Penguin

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