Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Duncan Hunter is a true American

Gordon over at Alternate Brain sees that Tom Tancredo wanna-be Duncan Hunter (R-Nuttyville) has hired an Elvis imitator to help with his campaigning, and basically says, what an asshole.

Okay. He's an asshole. True dat. But he is an asshole who fairly represents his constituency, who are themselves, well, assholes. I've talked to a few of his current or former constituents, and to a man they insist that Duncan's a good guy who always has time to meet with his constituents and understands where they're coming from. Compare to, say, Nancy Pelosi, who walls herself off from her constituents with a haughty "Let them eat cake" attitude, and you can see why Duncan gets re-elected by huge margins every time.

So yeah, Duncan is an asshole. But the dirty little secret is that so are most Americans. Or as Gandhi replied when asked what he thought about Western civilization, "it would be a good idea".

- Badtux the Asshole-spottin' Penguin

(Note: Penguins don't have assholes. They have cloaca).


  1. Taking down the good name of Elvis. I tell you. I'm pissed.

    Deep Fried Peanut Butter Sandwich Jill

  2. duncan has always been one of those rock ribbed republican assholes that it is possible to work with. the thing about him that sets him apart is that he really buys the shit he spouts. when he talks about his support of the war, he does it while his kid is serving, in combat, in real time. i came to know him over twenty years ago when i first opened my truffle shop in san diego. hunter was an assemblyman then, just before he ran for congress. i ran afoul of an obscure state law that prohibited flavoring chocolates with liqueuers. it was a hold over from prohibition. i was upfront with him, i told him that the last time i voted for a republican it gave me a rash and i vowed that it would never, ever, happen again. still, he did yeoman service and got the law changed in less than six months. since then we kept in touch. i always send him a box of truffles on christmas. i even met his brother through the organization i belong to that does waterstation for illegals who try and cross the desert.

    he's an asshole, but he's an honest asshole. he has some shitty ideas, but he's sincere. he will let you disagree with him and not think it makes you evil. he actually listens to and considers opposing viewpoints.

    i would not like to see him become president. he's too fucking crazy.

  3. Nunya, by federal spending standards $22 million for a plane that don't fly is peanuts. They've spent, what, how many billions on the V-22 Osprey now?

    I talked to a drywaller who is now an ex-drywaller because he can't get a job because the local contractors will only hire Mexicans. He blames the immigrants. He talks to Duncan Hunter. Duncan ain't exactly the sharpest tool in the toolbox, if you know what I mean, and when Duncan has all those constituents coming in and tell him these awful horror stories about how they got replaced by illegal immigrants on the job site, well, Duncan puts 1+1 together and gets, uhm, 1. Which is good 'nuff for his constituents, who are just happy to have someone who listens to them and understands their concerns, even if Duncan's actions in response to that are so much hot air and mostly counterproductive, but what's a constituent to do, hmm? Talk to someone like Diane Feinstein who hautily insists there isn't a problem? But they know better, they're the ones working odd jobs canvassing neighborhoods looking for fences that need painting and such so that they can keep a little bit of food on the table in their rotting old trailer house on the bad side of town...

    Like I said, Duncan Hunter is an asshole. But all he's doing is representing his constituents, who aren't exactly the brightest tool in the toolbox either and mostly are just as big of assholes as he is. That's America's dirty little secret -- America is a nation literally filled with assholes, from top to bottom, from the asshole yammering away on his cell phone while he veers his Beemer all over the friggin' freeway, to the asshole who blames Mexicans for the fact that he can't get a job drywalling because the contractors are evading taxes by paying illegals under the table to do the work.

    - Badtux the Talkin'-to-assholes Penguin


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