Saturday, August 25, 2007

Oil for blood

In yet another of those brilliant marketing ideas gone horribly wrong, Texaco is offering oil (changes) for blood. Hmm, given the number of protesters chanting "no blood for oil!", maybe they would like to reconsider?

-- Badtux the Helpful Penguin


  1. That's interesting. Being as oil is their main national resource they were more than willing to sell it to us at a much lower cost than it is now costing us.

    I keep having the nagging feeling that we are helping pay for that war at the gas pump.

    We know that the rich and greedy won't pay for it, but pass on the costs to us through a lot of smoke screens.

  2. That is just filled with comic creativity.

  3. These decisions are being made by people with degrees who make six and seven-figure salaries.

    It boggles the mind what is coming out of business schools these days.


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