Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday News Blog

World Nut Daily ("We're bat-shit crazy so you seem sane by comparison!") isn't entirely blind. They note that information regarding the location of 29 Taliban bases, ID'd by U.S. intelligence and shared with Pakistan, has lost its targeting value for Islamabad's promised offensive against the militant group with the apparent evacuation of 28 of the training camps along the country's northern border with Afghanistan. Gosh, you think the Pakistani military might be, like, infiltrated by the Taliban? Could that be why Osama bin Laden is sitting in a cushy condo in Islamabad right now rather than hiding in a cave? GASP!

Meanwhile, ding dong, the witch is dead. Karl Rove is skeedaddling out of town, officially resigning as of the end of this month, unofficially he's already gone. Karl Rove claims "family reasons", but likely is skeedaddling out of town to keep ahead of the process servers trying to serve him with a subpoena to appear before a grand jury in Washington D.C. on contempt of Congress charges. He's probably headed to the Bush ranch down in Paraguay right now (you know, the one that the Bushies bought to stash any family members facing war crimes charges?). ¿Como se hablo "War Criminal" en espaƱol?

Finally, those dastardly darkies don't need medical care, the federal government tells Los Angeles County. How *dare* those darkies think that they deserve the same kind of care that the elite get! But we'll teach'em. First we'll cut the funding for public hospitals to the point where public hospitals can't function properly. Then we'll cut off the funding for public hospitals entirely because they're so underfunded that they can't function properly, so that they're forced to close altogether. Oh, those darkies who can't get medical care now? Let them eat Band-aids!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

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