Wednesday, March 01, 2006

More MRE review...

Well, I still haven't dared try the dairy shake. Instead, I tried another MRE that I had at work: Menu 13, the cheese tortellini.

This was *GOOD*! It might have been vegetarian, but it was quite tasty, sort of like a high-grade Chef Boy-Ar-Dee. Comfort food all the way. I'll trade the "meatloaf" (Friskies) MRE for this one any time of day. The lemon poppy pound cake that came with it, on the other hand, was merely edible. I tried it with and without the peanut butter that came with this MRE. Either way, it was uninspiring. The other stuff that came with it is this:

  • Spiced Apples
  • Toffee with Walnuts
  • and the same accessory packet as the chicken tetrazini, including the worthless "Seasoning Blend, Salt Free". However that seasoning packet might actually improve the cheese tortellini, since it has a vaguely oregano-ish taste to it. I didn't bother, the tortellini was tasty enough without it.
I was full after eating the tortellini and the poppy cake, so I didn't try the spiced apples or toffee. However, in the past I've had happy experiences with the MRE "spiced apples". Unless they managed to somehow ruin them over the past ten years, I bet they're still pretty yummy.

-- Badtux the Fine Cuisine Penguin


  1. Right you are - the tortellini might be the most normal thing in the MRE menu, although I heard someone say yesterday (MARDI GRAS) that her father had a heart attack after eating one (he's okay now) -- and they feel like that inside don't they. You just know they aren't good for you.

  2. Actually, if you look at the labelling, the tortellini is actually not all that bad for you. The MRE as a whole might supposedly have 1200 calories, but that's only if you eat all the candies and drink all the sugary powdered drinks that came with it.


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