Thursday, March 02, 2006

It's evil elf time again!

$@#$%. Adorable little ragamuffin with... with... THIN MINT COOKIES. AGH! Can... not... resist... $$$ flying out of wallet... haul huge sack home with me... AGH!

Those demented elves are at it again. Oh sure, they might call themselves "Girl Scouts", but we penguins know better. They are... WAISTLINE ENHANCEMENT DEMONS. That's what they are, yessiree! Especially the ones with the THIN MINTS.

Gotta go. A thin mint (or two, or three, or twenty, or thirty) is calling my name...

- Badtux the Waddling (more, now!) Penguin


  1. Once again we see the offhanded racism against Demons. Satan and all his little wizards deserve to be treated with the respect as any other person.

    American Anti-Bigotry Committee for Devils Demons and Imps

  2. Satan's imps, I tell ya. Right above Bob the Candycorn Demon.

  3. As a former Waistline Enhancement Demon, I highly recommend the Gauchos. The ones made by the Burry company were the best.

  4. That's what those MRE's will do to ya- make you crave junk food!

  5. I buy from all my friends' kids. They don't even ask anymore, just show up at my house with 2 boxes of Samoas.

  6. there is only _one_ GSC.. Do-Si-Dos ;-)

    praise be to the gawds they only come around once a year!!


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