Friday, March 03, 2006

Cheeze Whiz, oh my!

Just popped upon the next MRE pouch, "Red Beans, Rice, & Sausage". Two items therein: "Filled Pretzels, Chedder Cheese" and "Cheese spread".

So I kneaded the cheese spread as directed on the package, opened it up, opened up the pretzels, dipped them into the cheese, and... junk food heaven! A bit salty, and HORRIBLY bad for you, being a bit over 400 calories of which almost half of it is fat, but yummy all the same.

If these items aren't a popular trade item for the guys in the field, they musta grown up in a different country from the one I grew up in, 'cause this was, like, the very *essense* of junk food!

- Badtux the Waddling Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they are thinking: Soldiers in the field need lots of energy, sugar doesn't last very long- so give 'em fat..

    I used to stay away from trailmix - found the nuts and raisins too heavy on my stomach, but one time I was backpacking up a mountain (7000ft) in NM with a 50lb pack, and I was munching trailmix all the way up - didn't bother my stomach at all.


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