Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Withdrawal from Iraq will cause humanitarian disaster

That is what Dear Leader said yesterday -- that, as with U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, withdrawal from Iraq will cause a massive refugee crisis with millions of refugees fleeing to neighboring nations, millions of civilians dead (note -- the figure on that site, based upon data available, is two years out of date and that many more have died since then), and religious persecution.

Given the facts at the links above, there is only one conclusion to be made: That we have already withdrawn from Iraq. I'll expect my terrorist to show up at the door any moment now, since Faux News breathlessly proclaims we must "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here." Funny, forty years ago it was "we must fight them over there" (the Communists) "so that we don't have to fight them over here." Yeah, those Viet Cong really followed us over here and started slaughtering Americans on the streets of Houston, didn't they?

Meanwhile, Dear Leader might want to go a little less blatant on the Vietnam-Iraq comparisons. After all, in Vietnam, we lost. Not exactly what you want to remind people of, when folks are already using the word "Iraq-nam" to describe how Iraq is destroying our Army in an endless and futile guerilla war...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Perhaps Dear Leader mentions Vietnam to remind the nation of his heroic service in the military during that war, defending Alabama from Communist invasion in between keggers.

  2. And so it goes. But he thinks it will go down looking good in history books. LOL

    Like I keep saying, I'm surrounded by fucking idiots.

  3. Weren't vietnamish analogies verboten by our leaders?


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