Thursday, August 09, 2007

New tars

Gave baby some new shoes -- BFG's on black steelies. All I need now is the hub covers, I didn't like the ones that the tire dealership had. Oh, also have to shim the brake light pedestal up by half an inch so I can fit the new spare on the back (it's taking up all my cargo space!).

-- Badtux the Jeepin' Penguin



    Nice try on blacking out the tags. I can still make out a partial. Dig the new lay out too.

  2. Not impressed. I've built rigs that would eat that jeep up and spit it out the tailpipe.

    Back when I was a lesser evolved monkey. It seems that you have more money than you have brains.

    Not that I haven't been there mind you. Hugs.

  3. Annnnd. I've had an 18 wheeler sitting on a 100 MPH. Anyone that tries to take a Jeep to a 100 MPH is a damn fool looking to die.

    I know all about mass and motion from my mechanical and racing days. Just saying.

  4. Err, BBC, the goal wasn't to build the ultimate offroad Jeep. The goal was to build a good compromise Jeep that would have the ability to go up "roads" that barely qualify as such without making it unusable on pavement. I could have gone to 37" mud-terrain tires on long-arm suspension yada yada yada, but that's not how I use my Jeep and that would have been a waste of money. (And BTW, these tires represent the largest total investment that I've made in the Jeep, and I sprung for them only because the OEM tires are so pathetic once you leave pavement).

  5. oh no! someone scribbled on your plates!!!! ;)

    nice ride, penguin. where you at in cali? i was bron there....

  6. At the local 7-11 a guy rolled in a CJ5 that would give you a nosebleed.

    I had to forced myself not to mention the fact that he needed a stepladder, because he didn't look very macho trying to climb in.

    One speed bump at better than 10MPH and he would have flipped it.

    Your rig is a reasonable improvement. You have the clearance to be good to go for the Scorpion Bay track in Baja, which has removed the engines from more VW Vanagons than most dealers.

  7. Nice ride Badtux...coincidentally I dug out and scanned my 55' Speedster to show a few people...if you care to look at Sunday's post. Oh...and you didn't fool me with the license plate you silly penguin.


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