Friday, August 31, 2007


Dear Leader's minions claim that because the "terrorists" are making ranting videos, they're "desperate". Hmm. Any more "desperate" and we'd have three less Senators and one less Representative.

Said Senators, since they are Republicans, will of course now hold a news conference stating that Iraq is no more dangerous than a housing project in Chicago. Because, of course, every plane taking off from O'Hare has to dodge missiles being fired from the Projects. Alrighty then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Wow, if they had hit that airplane it would have been terrible. Why Florida would have lost its hand-picked by Karl Rove carpetbagging Republican Senator Mel Martinez and Alabama would be bereft of rightwing Christianist fanatic Republican Senator Richard Shelby.

    That is too terrible to contemplate.

  2. Do you watch Bill Maher on HBO? He's very good.

  3. SOOOOOO..... Either our military, or the people their teaching to shoot, have terrible aim.


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