Friday, August 10, 2007

The Apple Tax

I have had my Macbook for six weeks now, and still love it. In fact, at work I no longer try to run a monitor switch to switch between my Macbook and my desktop Linux machine with its gigantic 21" XVGA LCD screen. I just hook the monitor up to my Macbook via a MiniDVI-to-XVGA adaptor, hook up the USB keyboard, shut the lid on the Macbook, and the Macbook does the Right Thing (tm) i.e. switches to using the monitor as its primary display. Then I use vnc to get into the Linux machine.

But my happiness has its limits. Tuesday Apple released a new version of iLife with some significant updates to iPhoto and less significant but still good updates to GarageBand. In particular, the changes to iPhoto should make it much easier for me to locate and organize my photos, and the changes to GarageBand should make the initial setup for a new project much easier. I have to pay $79 for it. Of course. Despite owning my Macbook for only six weeks now. And in October comes OS X-10.5, a.k.a. Leopard. There goes another $129. For a by-then three month old Macbook. Bastards.

Oh well. It's just money, after all...

-- Badtux the Soon-to-be-poorer Penguin


  1. Yeah, it's just money, piss it away on geeky things and jeeps. No point in buying your own home and property.

  2. In case you don't know, I do own my own home and property free and clear, it's rented out to one of my relatives right now but I own it. I refuse, however, to spend the half-million-dollars needed to buy a one-bedroom condo in the Silicon Valley, thus rent while I'm over here. I simply don't need two homes!

    - Badtux the Well-housed Penguin


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