Monday, August 13, 2007

But he volunteered!

Yeah, he volunteered... to defend our nation. He didn't volunteer for this.

Why are his mother and father having to empty their savings and sell their home in order to care for this poor soul? Why isn't the Department of Defense and VA taking on all the costs of his care? Oh nevermind. Support the troops. Unless the troops are injured or disabled or homeless. In that case, fuck the troops. Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarkless Penguin


  1. Say, why doesn't the wingnutosphere say anything about the shameful treatment of America's soldiers. Why does it have to be reality-based people all the time?

    I thought the wingnuts supported the troops. Right?

  2. "Yeah, he volunteered... to defend our nation."

    And just how is going to Iraq defending our nation? Iraq wasn't attacking us.

    It's going to get much worse you know. They are getting much better at saving men (and women) that would have simply died in earlier wars.

    Men and women that are not much more than vegetables, and you tax payers will be stuck with supporting all of them because you can bet your ass that the rich that they fought for won't be.

    And !!! As long as you allow it, stupid wars, you deserve to pay for it. And if you don't agree with me, you are wrong. :-)

  3. You're preaching to the choir, BBC. Every time someone tells me "but he volunteered!", I say "yeah, he volunteered to defend our nation, but Iraq wasn't attacking us."

    And I agree with you. We as a people have sown what we are about to harvest, a reaping that's gonna have our bungholes sore from the reaming...

    -- Badtux the Realist Penguin

  4. Sumo, over there in the wingnutosphere they're too busy going out and buying yellow ribbons for the back of their cars to worry about little things like, say, health care or homes for veterans.

    -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  5. i'm only hoping there is a special place in hell for this administration.

  6. the vets cuts boil my blood!!! there is NO excuse for this. none. it makes me sick to my stomach - and that soldier's case is far from being unique. disgusting.

  7. These soldiers answered the nation's call. Regardless of the rightness or wrongness of the cause. It's tragic the way they are dismissed with such disregard.


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