Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday cat blogging

Since I gave both Mencken and The Mighty Fang top billing yesterday, I'll let you look at their dignified photos from yesterday. In the meantime, from the poll it is clear that The Mighty Fang's fan club is, well, mighty (heh!). Mass grooming of blog patrons shall NOT be instituted. Do not fear the pink tongue of mass grooming! As for Mencken, he's like, "bah, who cares." His expectations are low for the two-legged monkeys called "human beings", and he is rarely disappointed. Sometimes pleasantly surprised, but rarely disappointed. Sometimes being a misanthrope is a blessing, I suppose.

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. You got a photo of Oreo to help in the voting?

  2. Voting is now closed, but Oreo's photo is further down the page (he was last Friday's guest cat).

  3. I voted for Fang days ago. You had this face pic of him somewhere a while back that just won me over to Fang. Big, black, and beautiful -- and such nice eyes.

    Congratulations to Fang...


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