Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday Guest Cat Blogging

The Mighty Fang lurks atop the refrigerator...

Today's guest cat is Old White Lady's kitty Cotton. Cotton is sorta the anti-Fang. The Mighty Fang is so black that fireflies follow him around in daylight. Cotton is so white that he blinds passing drivers. The Mighty Fang is the sweetest kitty you'll ever run across. Cotton hogs OWL's computer chair :-).

-- Badtux the Cat Penguin


  1. Ha! Cotton is mostly the sweetest kitty you'll run across, too. He's quite timid. The Mighty Fang is quite the beautiful kitty. Happy Friday Cat Blogging:)

  2. In fact, those pictures really are contrasting. The Mighty Fang is black, but on a white refrigerator and Cotton is white, but on a black chair. Wow. They posed for these, didn't they?

  3. Oooh, you noticed! Not exactly, I had to do some searching to find a picture of TMF sitting (or squatting in this case) on something white, but you bet it was deliberate :-).

    - Badtux the Contrast Penguin

  4. OWL, I noticed the "mostly," because you currently have a picture of him laying a trap for the other kitties.

    Fang is certainly has a shiny coat. The local black cat, Ovinnik, has very stiff hair that is the devil to get out of anything.

  5. Yeah, I have pictures of TMF from when I first got him home, and his coat was just as shiny then, though he was much smaller obviously! Some folks have asked me if I shine him. Nope. He shines himself. All I do is feed him IAMS every day, change his litter box from time to time, and make sure the toilet tank lid is off so he can get plenty of fresh water. He does the rest.

    -- Badtux the Shine-blinded Penguin


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