Thursday, August 30, 2007

Kudos to the pink-hooved one

Princess Sparkle Pony, (s)he who follows Condi's hairdo so you don't have to, has incredibly snarky coverage of the Larry Craig beat-down, including details on, err, "tea-room trade", that lead to me wanting to wash my eyeballs afterwards. It starts here with a laugh-and-point intro. Then moves on to info about Larry Craig's favorite public restroom, which is, apparently, err, infamous. Add in a Republican hairdresser joke, hilarious commentary on Larry Craig's "wide stance" news conference, and yet more reports from the infamous restroom. So, what was with all that cryptic foot tapping? The Princess has the sticky details (ick, I need to go wash my hands!). And of course what's a good sex scandal without video?

Now, lest it seem that those of us who are, err, not deranged right-wing ideologues with no connection to reality, are piling upon this poor man for being gay... err, no. We're piling upon this poor man for being a closeted t-room queen who stridently claims he isn't gay. It's as if the Rev. Jesse Jackson held ridiculous news conferences where he claimed he wasn't black, or if Senator Hillary Clinton held news conferences where she claimed she wasn't a woman. That would be funny, and of course anybody with any kind of sense of humor would point and laugh. As for what Larry Craig does in the privacy of his own bathroom, well, that is of no concern to me. I do wish he'd keep it in his own bathroom though, rather than in a public restroom where he can irritate people who just need to take a dump. That's why he got arrested -- using a public restroom as his own personal bordello -- not for being gay. Being gay is just what he is, whether he wants to hold news conferences denying it or not.

- Badtux the Pony-admirin' Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Awww, you're too kind. But, yes, this scandal has been particularly delicious to me. It's not often that I do "real" reporting, but I think I actually helped clarify some matters connected to this excruciatingly embarrassing, wonderful scandal.

    There is certainly no doubt whatsoever that Mr. Craig is a veteran, experienced and enthusiastic tearoom queen.


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