Thursday, August 30, 2007


The educated Mencken says if you don't vote for him, he'll write snarky posts about how no one ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public, or impassioned newspaper editorials about the cretinism of inbred Southern crackers.

Hmm, be groomed to death by The Mighty Fang, or suffer the acid tongue of a known misanthrope. Choices, choices...

-- Badtux the Choice Penguin


  1. gotta throw down with the misanthropic vote.


  2. If you are concerned about your human alias being know you might want to look at that photo.

  3. Mencken blogs under an alias (Mencken is not his real name, that is merely a moniker he has adopted for the blogs), and he is a very educated cat.

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  4. What a great shot. He can depend on my vote. Unless, of course, my cats decide to run... what are we voting him for?

  5. and by the way, I agree with zombie jesus.

  6. Not buying the educated cat bit, eh? Oh well.


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