Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Can't sleep. Was browsing blogs at 3am last night. Time to cut down on the coffee. Sigh.

- Badtux the Sleepless Penguin


  1. Every summer, when it's the hottest out, I instinctively go nocturnal. I want to be active when it's cool and sleep when it's not. Unfortunately, the rest of my schedule isn't flexible enough to cope.

  2. Get the real scoop on coffee at
    And if you drink decaf you wont want to miss this special FREE report on the Dangers of Decaf available at

  3. Have a glass of wine before bed. Alcohol is a depressant.

  4. Try the Natural Calm magnesium supplement available at your local Whole Paycheck or health food store. Doctor recommended since the standard American diet, stress, etc tends to leave people magnesium deficiency. This explains it better. Taken every night about an hour before bed, it will help the insomnia thing. Of course, cutting back on the caffeine would probably help too.


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