Saturday, August 18, 2007

MRE Review: Chicken Cavatelli

Menu #23.

Snack: Bacon cheese spread with wheat snack bread: The bacon cheese spread tasted like, well, Cheese Wiz. About what you'd expect from a pasteurized canned cheese spread. Pretty good, if you like Cheese Wiz. It ain't the Ritz, but then I was camped at 6,000 feet, so whadya expect? The wheat snack bread is, as usual, pretty good. It's actually more of a snack wheat cookie because it is rather dense, but nicely moist, not crumbly.

Snack: Fig newtons. I don't know how they got this to be so yummy. They came out of the package nice and moist.

Main dish: Chicken Cavatelli. Yummy. Another reviewer has said "better than Chef Boy-ar-dee but not as good as Olive Garden." Probably about right. A word of warning: It does need the little bottle of hot sauce.

Gripe: No cracker! The Chicken Cavatelli really needs a cracker! Thankfully I saved a cracker from one of the other MRE's I've eaten. MRE crackers are the hardest substance known to man, but do manage to taste decently despite that (just a very, very slight stale taste to them).

Pound cake: Meh. Somewhat dense. Needs peanut butter. Borrow peanut butter from another MRE. With peanut butter it is edible. That's the best you can say for it. Not bad, not great, edible.

All in all, if someone wants to trade you their Chicken Cavetelli for your Meatloaf (a.k.a. "cat food"), jump at it. Good stuff. Just look for a cracker and a peanut butter from another MRE for best results with the Chicken Cavatelli and the pound cake.

-- Badtux the Culinary Penguin


  1. I absolutely love the MRE reviews. Actually was in an Army Surplus store yesterday, and saw that particular MRE.

    At 6 bucks a pop, I didn't feel like picking up a veggie option though.

  2. One word: eBay.

    - Badtux the Helpful Penguin


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