Friday, August 17, 2007

How much for that kitty in the window?

Sorry, no sale: The kitties sun themselves. You can tell which apartment is mine because the kitties have smudged the window with their nose, hmm, time for me to wash it! The reason the window is all smudged is because there was a bird's nest in the tree right outside the window, and they pressed their nose up against the window trying to get close to those alluring birds flittering right outside their reach...

I bought the kitties one of those "Super Scratcher" thingies. As usual, I took catnip and rubbed it all over. Mencken immediately ran to it and started rolling over and over on it, he is a real catnip fiend. The Mighty Fang came over to see what all the fuss was about, and decided that Mencken's ear needed to be groomed. Mencken was not amused. Share his fix, his catnip? The audacity!

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. you have a cat named mencken?!?! as in h.l.?? kick ASS!

    i'd forgotten how silly baby kitties are. this new little guy LOVES to pounce on us and attack us in our sleep, as if we're filled with irresistable cat nip.

    penguins don't eat cats, right? those are some fine looking kitties, if i do say so myself!

  2. I love seeing kitties in windows. That picture of your two sweeties, looking out, is so cute. I think it's nice that they help clean each others ears. It's hard reaching it by oneself.

  3. SG: Yes, his total blogging pseudonym is Hairy L. Mencken. He has the same basic attitude towards life... "bah humbug!".

    OWL: Fang cleans Mencken's ears, but it rather irritates Mencken because Fang does it on Fang's schedule, not Mencken's. After a few minutes of Fang dutifully grooming his ears, Mencken starts whacking Fang over the mouth with his paws to get him to stop. Mencken doesn't groom Fang's ears. His attitude towards such charity is "bah humbug!". He really doesn't like other people (or cats), he is a decided one-person kitty and I am "it". He'd be happier as a single cat with a lonely old lady to cater to his every whim, but he got a penguin instead in the great Humane Society sweepstakes...

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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