Friday, August 10, 2007

As usual, screw the little guy

As I mentioned before, the major hirers of illegals use the "labor contractor" cutout to insulate them from legal repercussions. That is, they hire temp workers from "labor contractors" (one guy with a disposable cell phone and pickup truck) in order to avoid having to pay employment taxes on the worker or have any knowledge of the legal status of the worker. No knowledge = no liability. The "labor contractor" has the liability, but good luck tracking him down -- he's one guy with a pickup truck and a disposable cell phone.

So anyhow, the Bush Administration has released their illegal immigration crackdown plan. Go read it, then come back and tell me which of the items in that plan address the "labor contractor" loophole.


I'm waiting. C'mon, which item addresses the "labor contractor" loophole?

Still waiting!

Uhm, alrighty then! As usual, the big guys are gonna skate on this one. Some guy with a pickup truck and a throw-away cell phone might (or might not) get busted, and poor sods who tried to do the right thing and hire people as full-time workers with benefits are gonna get reamed, but the big guys? Oh come on now. You didn't think the Bush Administration would really go after their big contributors, like the Halliburton subsidiaries who imported thousands of illegals into South Louisiana to "rebuild", did you?!

Indeed, the only decent thing about the plan is that it does include revisions to the H2A and H2B programs (for hospitality, restaurant, and agricultural temp workers) so that there is a reasonable legal means for Mexican immigrants to come across the border and work. Other than that, it's a joke.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Oh, haven't you noticed the lack of cash in modern, daily transactions for the vast majority of the population? Cash transactions can't be tracked, but electronic transactions can be.


  2. Yeah, I can't figure out how these contractors get away with paying their labor contractors in cash (at which point the illegals get paid in cash after the labor contractor takes his cut)... if I were a normal business doing that kinda thing, the IRS would be all down on my ass in spades. But I had a friend who worked one of these temp kinda jobs, he got paid in cash too. He mumbled something about how if you worked less than X number of days they could pay you in cash. Huh.

    - Badtux the Cashless Penguin


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