Thursday, August 02, 2007

Army recruiting illegals

Yeppers. That's the latest target that the U.S. Army is going after in their quest to fill ranks depleted by the War on Brown People Overseas -- brown people. Mexican brown people. With false promises of citizenship.

Crap, even the Roman Army didn't go that far. They recruited illegals, sure, but they gave the illegals and their families citizenship in exchange for their service.

Hmm, reminds me of another empire that relied on illegal immigrants to staff their army. Say, how's that Roman Empire thingy doin' nowdays? Just askin'!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Arrrggghhhh! Tear my fucking hair out! Jeebus!

  2. Well, you see, after the Roman Empire fell it was reborn here, in America, and disguised as Christianity and Democracy.

    Any questions?

  3. Hello, Mr Peguin.
    Well, we do use a lot of those nifty Latin phrases these days, and those Hollyweird Libruls make a cool flick or two about the Old World now and again.

    E Pluribus Unum.


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