Sunday, August 12, 2007

The War on Drugs at home

Just poured my daily coffee ration into one of my big coffee mugs. Said mug is only two/thirds full, despite there still being coffee in the pot, but that's all I can drink in a day due to health reasons, and shortly I will be cutting down to half that. Sigh. Now I know what nicotine addicts feel like when they're trying to give up smoking. I still get the cravings for something hot after meals, so I've moved to herbal tea. Sipping a hot mug of herbal tea (gasp! I'm a yuppie now!) is kinda like sticking a toothpick in your mouth to substitute for sticking a cigarette into your mouth, but what is a penguin to do when his bird metabolism simply won't tolerate that evil stimulant drug caffeine anymore?

-- Badtux the "Glass is 1/3rd Empty" Penguin


  1. When I had to switch from java to tea, I drank gallons of green tea. Try that???

  2. I love green tea. It, alas, also contains caffeine, albeit you have to drink like 15 cups of green tea to get the same amount of caffeine as in a single cup of coffee.

    -Badtux the Drug Penguin

  3. But it's got those great anti oxidants. I know what you mean about the caffeine...bullshit headache...


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