Saturday, August 18, 2007

Jeep jeep!

Wherein I get the tires of the Jeep dirty, first camping at 6,000 feet, then visiting the sights at 1500 feet.

I spent most of the day sitting outdoors in 105 degree heat. Desert penguins do things like that. Bet you didn't know that things like desert penguins existed, eh? More on why, exactly, I would sit outdoors on such a warm day, later...

-- Badtux the Desert Penguin


  1. Nice.. Looks like you had a good time. Everytime I see a post like yours, it reminds me I should be out taking advantage of summer.

  2. i like the lawrence quote in the lean movie. someone asked him what he loved about the desert and he said

    it's clean

    speaking metaphorically of course. he was talking about the vistas.

  3. I think I've mentioned what I liked about the desert before, but it's something that Edward Abbey, I think, once mentioned. The desert is honest. It doesn't hide out of sight and try to fool you into thinking it's something other than what it is, which is a dangerous place that'll kill you quicker'n'snot if you don't respect it properly. Its bones are right out there for you to look at. (Hmm, I think that last one was Georgia O'Keefe). Compare with, say, the ocean, which has a soothing sound and feels oh so cool and soothing on a hot summer day in Florida. But it'll kill you quicker than snot too. The difference is that you look at a desert, and you know in your bones that it's a dangerous place. You look at a beach, and you know it's about fun and games.

    Anyhow, I got a little bit of desert fix in, so now it's back to the slave pit...


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