Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mrow! Mrow! Mrow! Mrow!

The fur-bearin' varmints were irate. I just got in maybe ten minutes ago -- yep, after 9pm -- and of course their food bowl had been empty for hours. They immediately set up a caterwauling that was, well, a caterwauling. Here they peruse their empty food bowl while howling at the top of their lungs about the injustice of the situation. I fed them immediately afterwards, of course. Flightless waterfowl should not tempt hungry kitties...

-- Badtux the Lucky-to-be-here Penguin


  1. Did they give you permission to stay out late?

    It sounds like you've been enslaved....

  2. I'll never forget the racket the last Sox saw the bottom of the food bowl. The bowl wasn't empty, but Sox realized it actually had a bottom and freaked.

  3. My cat had 5 kittens last month, one day I went to work and forgot she was out of cat food.
    I rushed to the store after work and bought a new food dish and 3 cans of food.I then dumped two cans into the bowl and cautiously approached the door. (She knows the sound of my truck when I pull in)
    I quickly opened the door just enough to get the bowl inside and slammed it shut before she could get to me. I saw the look on her face. Pissed off doesn't quite do it justice.
    I then went and had a couple of cocktails and waited.
    Smartest thing I've done in a while.

  4. I have a cat which now refuses to eat out of a bowl that's not full. As soon as it's more than about 1/3 empty, the caterwauling begins.


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